AHS EP 1 breakdown.

American Horror story has been on since 2010 and has gone through everything from an insane asylum, a hotel and even spent sometime on a reality show. Well looks like this season they’ve Joined the biggest reality series ever, American politics.

From what i took away from the first episode this season will be filled with symbolism with the cast of characters representing different pockets of American.
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Kai:Evan Peter AKA Kai easily stole the first episode of the season by using his uncanny ability to act bat shit crazy. Kai’s character represents the the Most extreme Alt right trump supporters, the kind of supporter that other MAGA/ Alt right supporters will say gives them a bad name. Once the election results were announced final Kai tried to impregnate his T.V and yelled “Freedom”. His yelling of freedom hits on the point that a lot of young white men who have joined the alt right feel that they’re being unfairly judged and their freedom of speech is being taken away by the PC conservative world, they felt with the election of Donald Trump that they were getting back their freedom from the old regime took it from them. After Kai’s court case is dismissed he say’s to the asian judge who will later be killed “Nothing is more dangerous than a humiliated man” another hint at Alt right?White Nationalist men feeling they’ve been emasculated and humiliated in a country that is changing rapidly around them . Kai’s last big scene is when he takes a piss in a condom and throws it grenade style at a group of what seems to be mexicans, inciting the group of to beat him up but in background someone only starts recording the mexicans attacking him and not what caused the attack very similar to what we see on our news on a daily basis in terms of videos with no context that will build racial tension
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Ally:Ally and Kai couldn’t be more different .The one thing they do have in common is that they’re both bat shit crazy. They may be two different kinds of crazy but crazy nonetheless. When we first meet Ally she is at what has the be the gold standard for what they thought would be a Hilary Clinton victory party, Two lesbians with a son, a young black woman and an asian couple, they were really checking the diversity boxes. Ally’s breakdown after it’s announced that trump is the official winner show’s how so many American’s must’ve felt that night especially for a gay family highlighted when ozzie (ally’s son) says he doesn’t want his mommy’s not to be married in fear that trump would repeal same sex marriage. Ally’s crazy starts to present itself when she went to the supermarket and the cashier had a MAGA hat on which seemed to trigger her anxiety she started seeing clowns having sex and another chasing her around the market after she calls her wife and her wife calls the police ally is informed that after looking into her story that nothing was found. Ally’s breakdown at the supermarket and unfound allegations exaggerate on the fact that people from the right feel liberals are crazy and make things up to help forward the narrative that they’re victims.
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Winter: Winter who is Kai’s sister and now ally’s baby sitter is the most interesting character in the show to me, i have no idea what her motives are or what side she’s on. Winter is a ex college student who dropped out of school to follow Hilary Clinton and join in on her campaign. Winter is distraught after the election results she speaks to one of her friends who was on the campaign with her when her friend hears the pain in winters voice she highlights that winter used to cut herself and warns her not to go back down that path. Winters brother Kai comes in later and they play a game where she tells him all about herself. The most revealing thing winter says about herself to kai is that her biggest fear is him but remember kai is the symbol of an alt right extremist and winter who’s name is no coincidence would be what right wingers would call a “Snowflake”. Winter telling her brother that he scares her the most symbolizes that your average “Snowflake’s” biggest fear would be the Alt right extremist someone who  doesn’t line up with their ideologies and now feel empowered with the new president in power.


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